Top 3 Questions About AdBookPSP for DSPs

by Doug Huntington

With our latest offering, AdBook Premium Supply Platform (AdBookPSP), we’ve introduced a new solution for deal-based programmatic transactions. In addition to its many other benefits, AdBookPSP offers incremental revenue opportunities for both publishers and demand side platforms in support of the premium programmatic marketplace. 

Today, we’d like to take a closer look at a few of the key benefits that AdBookPSP offers DSPs.

How does AdBookPSP help DSPs “future-proof” their business model?

By providing direct access to branded publishers and enabling campaigns to be activated against publishers' trusted first party data, DSPs are able to launch an alternative revenue source, one that is immune to increasing consumer privacy regulations.

How does AdBook PSP help DSPs drive incremental revenue?

AdBookPSP offers DSPs an entirely new revenue source by providing direct access to the publishers’ best inventory, previously only made available through the traditional direct sales channel. This opens up the possibility of shifting the approximately 80% of total ad spend premium publishers receive through the direct sales channel to programmatic budgets. Additionally, because AdBookPSP is fully integrated with the publisher’s revenue and inventory management platform, DSPs are able to receive elevated ad serving priority levels, on par with traditional direct deals, as well as the opportunity for exclusive access to curated inventory. DSPs are also able to help their advertisers secure space in a brand-safe, non-fraudulent environment, a common challenge of the open market.

How does AdBookPSP optimize the supply path?

AdBookPSP facilitates a shortened supply path between DSPs and branded publishers. Because AdBookPSP is directly integrated with the publisher’s revenue and inventory management platform, it is uniquely able to offer DSPs unfettered access to products, pricing, and inventory availability. This direct communication further opens the door to increased collaboration with publishers, lower supply-side tech fees that can be passed along to advertisers, and a frictionless and much more transparent buying experience.

How will AdBookPSP help buyers access and close more premium deals? 

Because AdBookPSP provides DSPs with unprecedented and scalable access to a publisher’s premium supply of inventory, our direct integration provides DSPs with supply path optimization and an opportunity to access deals through more channels. DSPs can access prioritized transactions, price guarantees, custom targeting and other conditions that are more common with direct sales relationships. Demand partners can easily book programmatic guaranteed (PG), preferred and PMP deals through AdBookPSP. 

Ready to learn more about AdBookPSP?

Download our overview now!


Top 3 Questions About AdBookPSP for Publishers


Introducing AdBook Premium Supply Platform