Top 3 Questions About AdBookPSP for Publishers

by Doug Huntington

We recently discussed the benefits that AdBook Premium Supply Platform, the latest addition to the AdBook+ portfolio, offers to DSPs, including the opportunity to access inventory from premium programmatic transaction channels.  

Now we’re taking a closer look at what publishers should know about AdBookPSP and how its specific capabilities can help facilitate new revenue streams and create more deals with buyers looking to shift into the premium programmatic marketplace. With AdBookPSP, publishers gain the ability to build direct connections with DSPs to leverage this new market interest in premium programmatic channels.

How will AdBookPSP drive new revenues for publishers?

AdBookPSP provides a new, low-cost demand channel for publishers interested in connecting directly with DSPs to execute programmatic direct transactions, including programmatic guaranteed, PMP, and preferred deals. 

By having a direct path to programmatic demand and greater control of how and with whom their media products and audience data are monetized, publishers can more fully capitalize on shifting advertising budgets and burgeoning demand for “deal based” premium programmatic inventory.

Additionally, AdBookPSP provides publishers and DSPs alike a long-term revenue strategy to hedge against the inevitable pressure open market transaction volumes will face as privacy regulations increasingly take hold.        

How will AdBookPSP streamline and simplify premium programmatic deals?

For publishers already using the AdBook+ platform, AdBookPSP offers a new and fully integrated, programmatic demand channel. With the combined solution, publishers can now easily manage multiple transaction channels from within a single interface and administer cohesive yield management strategies across them. The solution makes it simple for publishers to blend any mix of direct and programmatic deals in a single campaign. Publishers can also create customized campaigns for advertisers that are easier to sell and manage. 

AdBookPSP’s integration with AdBook+ lets deals seamlessly flow into a publisher’s normal workflow, streamlining all steps from inventory discovery to deal development and execution. 

How will AdBookPSP enhance communication between premium publishers and DSPs?

AdBookPSP addresses the challenge of disconnected AdTech systems that up until now have limited the direct connection between publishers and the DSP segment of the market. With AdBookPSP, publishers can readily provide DSPs direct access to premium inventory previously unavailable to them, as well as automated media planning tools for price, product and inventory discovery. By providing  programmatic media buyers greater transparency and access, publishers have the opportunity to build the same type of high value, collaborative relationships cultivated over the years within the traditional direct sales channel.

Learn more about the benefits of AdBookPSP for your organization.


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Top 3 Questions About AdBookPSP for DSPs